Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On the first Sunday of the month, we had a discussion about hometeaching. We started by reading two "definitions" of HT - one from the Melchizedek priesthood handbook, the other from Pres. Ezra Taft Benson. The former was more of a clinical, straightforward list of HT activities; the latter was a more impassioned explanation of how HT can change lives. Pres. Benson's 1987 address on Hometeaching outlines three keys to HT: 1)know well those whom you teach 2)know well your message to them 3) magnify your calling.
We were encouraged to read (or re-read) this talk.

Two ideas were shared that might give us as hometeachers more of a focus and purpose in our calling: 1)focus on the ordinances (DC 84:19-21)- what priesthood ordinances can your HT family benefit from, or what ordinances can you help them focus their sights on? 2)focus on a welfare area- what does your HT family need in the way of career development, literacy & education, financial/resource mgt, home production & storage, physical health, or social/emotional/spiritual strength?

Lastly, we reviewed what characteristics can make us "telestial", "terrestrial", and "celestial" hometeachers. And, we were given the assignment to read the following passages and pray, ponder, and even fast over how to apply their teachings to our HT assignments.
DC 20:47 Mosiah 18:8-10
DC 20:53-55 Moroni 6:4

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