Sunday, January 25, 2009

1/25/09 Lesson: Sacrament meeting

Keith Dionne led a fantastic discussion about sacrament and sacrament meeting. We agreed on the premise that our main purpose for being at church each week is to participate in the ordinance of the sacrament. A discussion of the following topics ensued:
- How can we help our children be reverent during the sacrament? Ideas: Quietly whisper to them stories about Jesus, be an example of reverence ourselves to show them how sacred this time is.
- What else can we do to make this weekly ordinance more significant in our lives? Ideas: take turns as families making (or at least, buying) the bread, offer more MP holders the opportunity to bless the sacrament.
- How should we handle the partaking of the sacrament with our non-member friends? Explain that it represents our willingness to follow Christ and invite them to participate if they feel comfortable doing so, explain before the meeting that the sacrament represents our re-commitment to our baptismal covenants, use the "do no harm" litmus test (is the offense of not being permitted to participate going to overwhelm the good of them being in attendance?).

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