Sunday, March 1, 2009

TFOT Lesson - Simplicity in our lives

Tony Pullen led our lesson on simplicity, taken from Elder Perry's Oct. conference talk entitled Let Him do it with Simplicity. He framed the lesson based on Elder Perry's reference to Henry David Thoreau's theory that all one needs to survive is food, clothing, shelter, and fuel. Tony then drew a chart on the board with these four things on the far left and two columns beside them titled "simple" and "benefits". We explored what it meant to live simply in these four areas and what the benefits of this kind of life are.

FOOD: follow Word of Wisdom, store some away ---> health, peace of mind
CLOTHING: dress modestly ---> less focus on self (humility)
SHELTER: living within means ---> peace of mind, minimal debt
FUEL (spiritual): knowledge, experience, love ---> testimony, blessing to others

It was commented that with clothing and shelter, in particular, these tend to differentiate or divide us as people, rather than unify us. And, further, that while these four areas are eminently tangible, the benefits are mostly intangible.

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